26 Carry-On Essentials You Need For Short & Long Haul Flights!

Carry-On Essentials

Traveling new places is amazing. Getting there, however, can be stressful. Especially when flying somewhere. Because there are (rightfully so) pretty strict rules on what is and isn’t allowed on the aircraft. To make your life easier, here’s a list of the 26 Carry-on essentials you (might) need on a short or long haul flight!

Carry-On Essentials For Short Flights

I think the definition of a “short flight” is highly subjective. For some, 5 hours might be short, others would consider that as long haul. But we shall not get hung up on that. You decide for yourself. Here are the carry-on essentials I would bring with me:

Most Important, Can’t go without:

  1. Passport or ID: pretty self-explanatory, you’re likely not even going to get on the plane if you don’t bring at least one of them
  2. Wallet: I like to bring some cash (just in case), as well as credit-/debit-cards
  3. Phone: for some people, this is probably the first thing they grab when getting their carry-on together. I’m no exception. Because I keep all of the important information, airplane tickets or hotel reservations on there.
  4. Printed tickets: if you don’t want to rely on your phone (battery, data etc.), bring a printed copy of your plane ticket, hotel reservations, directions how to get there, etc. That being said, I never do that. And I’ve never had any issues (knock on wood).
  5. Vaccination card/Covid test, medical face mask: in a post-pandemic world, make sure whether you need proof of your vaccination status, a negative Covid test, a medical/FFP2-face mask etc. Some countries might also require you to fill out an entry form beforehand.
  6. Medication: if you have medication you need to take on a regular basis, you obviously want to keep that in your carry-on. It can make sense to have something like painkillers etc. within reach as well.

Shouldn’t go without:

  1. Glasses & Sunglasses: if you’re like me and can’t access one of your senses without visual aids, you obviously want to take your glasses. If you’re usually wearing contacts, bring some eyedrops, as the air on planes is really drying. If you’re flying somewhere sunny, also bring your sunglasses.
  2. Lip balm: since the air on the plane is so dry, bringing a lip balm is a non-negotiable for me.
  3. Sanitary wipes: to clean your hands when there’s not (clean) bathroom around.
  4. Tissues
  5. Headphones or ear plugs: I use the regular AirPods, which unfortunately aren’t noise-cancelling. So if you can, invest in some of those, like the AirPods Pro. If you have a really long flight, consider bringing good old cable headphones – they can’t run out of battery.
  6. Entertainment: there’s nothing worse than staring at the front seat for hours. I always bring multiple things to entertain myself, i.e. a book (or Kindle), podcasts (make sure you download them before the flight) & music, as well as crossword puzzles or sudokus (bring a pen as well!)
  7. Snacks & Water, chewing gum: depending on the airline you’re flying with, you may or may not get a snack on the flight. Regardless, I like to bring a little something just in case, because one of my biggest, most irrational fears in this day and age is to go hungry. I also ALWAYS bring a water bottle with me. Make sure you empty it out/drink it all before going through security, as you’re not allowed to bring liquids over 100 ml with you. A lot of airports will have fountains to fill it up once you get to the gates. I also like to bring chewing gum to refresh after a snack.
  8. Socks, Sweater, Scarf: airplanes can get quite chilly, so make sure you bring something to cover you up. Especially in the summer, when you’re wearing sandals and shorts. Scarfs are a great way to do so, and double up as a blanket, pillow, or eye mask.
  9. Valuables: out anything you can’t afford to lose into your carry-on. This might include your camera, laptop, jewelry, etc. If your checked luggage gets lost or stolen, at least you got your most valuable stuff with you.

Carry-On Essentials For Long Haul Flights

If I go on a long haul flight (again, highly subjective), I also pack these items into my carry-on:

  1. Face wipes: nothing replaces a shower after a long haul flight, but that isn’t always possible. A face wipe could be the next best thing to freshen up after or during your flight. You can also remove your make up with them, should you chose to wear some.
  2. Deodorant: since showers are few and far between, bringing deodorant, or maybe a little bottle of perfume, can be a lifesaver for you and the people around you.
  3. Hair tie and hair brush: again, to at least try and look presentable when arriving.
  4. Change of clothing: another thing to do to make yourself feel better is to bring a change of clothing, ideally in accordance to the weather of your destination. Don’t forget to pack some clean undies as well!
  5. Skincare: doing a bit of skincare on a long haul flight stops the skin from drying out to much, so you can look a fresh as possible when stepping off the plane.
  6. Toothbrush & Toothpaste: sometimes, chewing gum just doesn’t cut it anymore. I definitely pack my toothbrush and toothpaste, and maybe even some mouthwash into my carry-on for a long haul flight. It also helps to signal my brain that it’s time to sleep if I brush my teeth after dinner on the airplane.
  7. Pillow & Blanket: bringing your own pillow and blanket might also help you sleep a little better on the aircraft. I’ve read so many nasty articles about airlines never washing their pillows or blankets, so you’re probably better off to bring your own.
  8. Eye mask: not only does it help with blocking out the light, but it also signals the people around you to leave you alone. Win-Win!
  9. Laptop or iPad: if you want to work on the plane, or don’t want to rely on their on-board entertainment.
  10. Powerbank & Chargers: to make sure you don’t run out of battery.
  11. Adapter for power outlets: depending on where you’re traveling to, you need one of these. If it’s a long haul flight, chances are pretty high.

Carry-On Packing Tips

Bringing all these essentials won’t help you to have a pleasant travel experience, if you have to dig through your bag every time you need something. So at good last, here are some packing tips to keep your carry-on organized:

  1. Put together what goes together: I usually have a few individual bags inside of my carry-on. One for the “beauty” stuff (i.e. lip balm, skincare, toothbrush etc.), one for the “tech” stuff (chargers, headphones etc.), one for “documents” (passport, vaccination card etc.), and so on and so forth. Much easier than having to shove all that out of the way to find the lip balm in the very bottom.
  2. The bag itself: whether you use a backpack or purse doesn’t really matter to me, I have used both in the past and can confirm that each comes with its own pros and cons. I would recommend a bag that comes with a good amount of compartments/pouches, just to help you stay organized.
  3. Put your liquids in a ziplock bag, otherwise the airport staff are not going to be happy. And remember to not take containers that can hold more than 100 ml. Even if it isn’t filled all the way, you are not allowed to take it (except empty water bottles).
  4. Store your electronics & liquids somewhere easy to reach, as you have to take them out during security checks. Another reason why it makes sense to keep it together. Also keep in mind that anything that has a battery (phone, laptop etc.) needs to be charged, so you could show the staff it turns on, if they tell you to.
  5. Don’t overdo it. I’m mainly telling this myself. I am anything but a light packer.
Carry-On Essentials: Packing Tips & Tricks

I hope you found this carry-on checklist as well as the packing tips helpful. As always, let me know what I forgot and need to pack next time, or what tips you have to make traveling easier.

Lots of Love,


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