Sweet Potato & Feta Quiche: Quick, Easy And Delicious!

To me, a quiche is such a comfort food. But not just eating it, I also thoroughly enjoy the process of making it. I can’t even say what exactly it is about it, but I just love it. And I have yet to try a quiche recipe that I don’t like! So naturally, I began “experimenting” with different ingredients and came up with this quick, easy and absolutely scrumptious sweet potato & feta quiche.

I am going to include the ingredients/recipe for the crust, but if you’re short on time or can’t be bothered, a store bought crust works just as well! This is the one I use when I just I don’t want to make one myself.


For the crust:

  • 250 g of flour (I use spelt, but wheat works just as good)
  • 100 g of cream cheese
  • 100 g of butter
  • 1 egg yolk (keep the white for the filling)
  • Salt

For the filling:

  • 400 g of sweet potato
  • 150 g of feta
  • 100 g of walnuts
  • 3 eggs + the egg white you saved (if you’re using a store bought crust, you can add an extra egg, depending on their size)
  • 150 ml of whipping cream
  • Fresh chives
  • About 1/4 a tsp of black pepper, thyme, nutmeg, paprika, garlic powder, ground cloves, cinnamon
  • Salt


  1. Combine all the ingredients for the crust and knead it until well combined. I like to do this step in my food processor, but you can also do this by hand. Wrap up the dough in some cling film and chill in the fridge for at least an hour.
  2. Once the dough has firmed up a little, roll it to about 5 mm thick (make sure you put some flour onto your working surface) and pop it into a spring form. The edge should be about 2-3 cm high.
  3. Peel and grade the sweet potato, and cut the feta into cubes.
  4. Roughly chop your walnuts and lightly toast them in a pan without oil.
  5. Chop the chives, and mix them in with the eggs and whipping cream.
  6. Now for the most important part: the seasoning! Make sure you season the egg-mixture well, as this is the part of the dish that carries the most flavor. I use about a quarter (to half) of a teaspoon of the seasonings listed above, but feel free to add in or leave out whatever herbs & spices you like.
  7. Put about half of your graded sweet potato onto the dough, and add a few feta cubes. Then add the rest of the sweet potato, and pop the feta and the toasted walnuts on top.
  8. Last but not least: evenly pour the egg-mixture about the filling. Either cut off or fold down any dough that sticks out.
  9. Put the quiche into the oven at 175 °C (140 °C circulating air) for about 45 minutes. Keep an eye on it, if it gets to dark on the edges but the egg hasn’t solidified yet, cover it with some aluminum foil and turn down the heat.
  10. Once cooked, let it cool to harden even more before serving.

Et voila – the perfect homemade quiche!

I told you this was super easy! The only thing that requires some “skill” is the rolling of the dough, but let’s be real: I think you can handle it. If you’re not up to waiting for the dough to chill, or clean up the mess afterwards, the store bought dough is perfectly fine. Because cleaning up all that flour from rolling out your dough really is a pain in the you-know-what. Serve your quiche with a green salad & tuck in!

Let me know if you try this recipe, I’d love to hear what you think!

Lots of Love,


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