The Pursuit of Happiness: What Brings Me Joy

The Pursuit of Happiness: What Brings Me Joy

No matter who we are, or where we come from, we all want one thing in life: joy. This may look different for everybody. One persons perfect day might be a horrible nightmare for the next. And I am certainly not here to tell anyone what to do or not do in order to live a happy life. Everybody needs to figure that out for themselves. But over the past two years, I have noticed a huge shift in my day to day mood. And much for the better! So in this post, I will give you a few examples on what brings me joy.

1. My Cats

If you don’t have pets, I’m sorry. But you’re gonna hear me bang on how great my two cats are. And if you do have pets, you will know exactly what I’m talking about. My cats Jule and Marlo are an eternal source of joy for me. Just look at them, how can you not be overwhelmed with happiness?

What brings me joy: Jule & Marlo
Jule (left) & Marlo as wee little babies

It was SO HARD to just choose a few photos of them, because believe me, I have A LOT. And I can’t help it but be that annoying person that feels the need to show off their pets at all times. I don’t care about kids, but pets is a different thing. Of course, they annoy the shit out of me sometimes. For example when Marlo decides that 4:55 am is THE time to have breakfast. It is absolutely impossible to wait another minute. It has to happen now. Or else… Or when Jule can’t get enough of chasing a piece of skipping rope all through the apartment. But just one look into their cute little faces, one boop of the little snoot, and I fall for them again and again. There’s hardly anything better than curling up with either or both of them on the sofa and keep each other toasty warm. Just unconditional love. Is that what motherhood feels like? I wonder…

What brings me joy: Jule & Marlo
Giving each other grief/kisses since 2020

2. Visiting Home

A little over five years ago, I left my hometown and moved to Frankfurt, to get my masters degree. Originally, the plan was to do that and then leave the city as soon as possible. Well, what can I say, I got my degree almost 3 years ago. And I’m still here… but that’s another story for a different day. The good thing about not living in my hometown: I get to visit. And, being away for so long now, I get to see it in a new light. I have since realized that there isn’t any other place I want to live in. I really need to get my stuff together and move back there, huh?

What brings me joy: Visiting Home
My hometown in the summer…
What brings me joy: Visiting Home
… and in the winter

And, it’s so lovely to reconnect with old friends when I am visiting. Because we don’t see each other that much, there is always so many things to catch up on! Never a dull moment when I am there.

Also, when you live “far away” from home, you get that “driving home for Christmas”-feeling, which in and off itself brings me so much joy! It just hits different when you haven’t seen your friends and family in a few months.

3. Be out in nature

I love being outdoors, whether it is for a walk or hike, or just hanging out by a lake. And I really don’t need a lot of things with me, I am perfectly happy with just myself. But of course, good company helps a lot. And, referring back to point #1, if this company happens to walk on 4 legs, even better. I am more of a cat person (not quite yet a crazy cat lady, but close), but my parents have got the cutest dog, Luna. Even though she’s got such much energy that she is walking me, rather than the other way round, I love going on long walks with her. And to throw her ball again, and again, and again.

What brings me joy: Nature
What brings me joy: Nature
What brings me joy: Nature

But even if there isn’t a dog to be walked, I really enjoy being outside. If there is a view to be marveled at that’s great, but if there isn’t, that’s no problem at all. Being outdoors just has this really calming effect on me and ultimately is what bring me joy. Maybe it’s the endorphins from walking.

The 7 Most Amazing European Travel Destinations: Lake Tegern
Hiking the Bavarian mountains
Hiking the Calanques de Marseille

4. Traveling

If you have been around these waters for a while, you have probably gathered that I love traveling and exploring new places. If you haven’t, you’re in for a treat: find all my blogposts on travel adventures here.

What brings me Joy: Traveling
Zwinger in Dresden, Germany
What brings me Joy: Traveling
Semper Opera in Dresden, Germany

By “traveling”, I literally mean going to any place that isn’t my hometown or the city I live in. So it could also be a neighboring town. Who says you have to go far away? Sometimes, when we think of traveling, we think of hopping on airplanes and flying your hours and hours to an exotic location. And that’s fine, but you don’t need to do that to find joy. There are so many incredible places all around the world, surely there is one close to your hometown or -country. I like to get a nice mix of things: some cities, some beaches, so meadows, some mountains. For me, there is no need of luxury hotels or tropical places. It’s about the people you are with and the things you get to experience.

Heidelberg, Germany – just over an hour away from where I live

5. Cozy Evenings

Last year, I went to Denmark. And one thing the Danes do better than any other nation is coziness. Or the feeling of “hygge”, as they call it. There is no literal translation for hygge. It can only be described: it’s the feeling you get sat on the sofa, fireplace lit, wrapped up in blankets and with a hot beverage, reading a book or watching a movie. And if there is a storm raging outside, it only gets more hygge. Or at least, that’s what it is for me. Obviously, winter is the perfect season for cozy evenings like these. But you can also have them in the summer, watching the sunset be a river or the ocean, or sitting outside playing cards until it’s dark. You choose.

If you want to learn more about “hygge” and why the Danish people are the happiest on the planet, I highly recommend you read “The Little Book of Hygge” by Meik Hiking (shop here). I got it when I was in Denmark, and found it very interesting and inspirational.

coffee, tee, cup-4597416.jpg

6. This Blog

I have already said in this post, that I would continue writing blogposts, even if no-one took the time to read them. Because writing them is what brings me joy. I get to be creative, free my mind off things and maybe help a person or two in doing so. I get to reflect on things or re-live some of my happiest moments, when I tell you about my travels. It has also somehow given me a huge boost in self-confidence. Whenever I go somewhere, I take lots and lots of pictures, but mostly only share the ones without me in it. I’m not even too sure why that is. Maybe subconsciously, I don’t want to post them to Instagram and then not get any likes on it. Because that would mean I am not pretty or whatever enough. Absolutely idiotic thinking, I know. But with this blog, because there aren’t any like-buttons, I don’t get that. I just post my face time and time again. Even if a picture isn’t “perfect” in my eyes.

What brings me Joy: this Blog
An example of a picture that didn’t make it to Instagram, because it wasn’t “good enough”

7. A Clean & Tidy Home

This one is a big one for me, albeit hard to maintain. With two busy adults and two cats, there’s always something that needs tidying and/or cleaning. But we do try our hardest to maintain the flat in a neat and tidy way. So for example, we tidy the kitchen after each use. Or make the bed in the mornings. Maybe these things don’t bother you, but I get an uneasy feeling if I want to climb into bed at night, and the blanket isn’t neat or the pillows are everywhere. Same goes for the kitchen of course: if I walk in there in the mornings to make myself a cup of coffee, and there’s still pots and pans from the night before, that is it for a nice and relaxed morning for me. And by doing a few things every day, we don’t drown in cleaning jobs once a week.

8. Working Out

#8 in my list of what brings me joy: Working out. Considering I made sports and physical activity my career, this come as no surprise. And those workouts don’t look the same for me every day. Sometimes, I want a slower workout, or even “just” a short yoga practice. Other days, I need to go all out, struggling to breathe at the end of it. Listen to your body, it knows what to do.

Another thing I love about working out regularly: I get to celebrate improvements. Last time, I hit a back squat PR at X kg, now it’s at Y kg. Or, last time I did a certain CrossFit benchmark workout in this many minutes, now it’s this many. You get the point. Improving my fitness and strength makes me feel proud of myself and ultimately, is what brings me joy.

If you need tips on how to get started with a workout routine, check out these posts.

9. Spending Time with Family & Friends

Spending time with loved ones is something that brings a lot of joy to a lot of people. But every so often, I need to remind myself of it. I think a lot of us have come to realize that being an adult, it gets increasingly harder to spend time with your friends. Not only are you super busy, but they are, too. And lining up schedules can be quite the task. I personally also get so stuck in my day-to-day routines: going to work, working out, making dinner, etc. I rarely make time to meet friends during the week. Maybe I should make spending time with family and friends a late new years resolution. Because when I actually do get to do things with my friends, I always have the best time. That’s why they are my friends, after all.

Oktoberfest 2022
What brings me Joy
Driving down to Munich for said Oktoberfest

10. Making Memories

And last but most certainly not least on my long list of what brings me joy is simply making memories. It could be something big like a vacation, or something small, like spending a cozy evening with friends. It’s definitely not material goods for me. Yes, it’s nice to get a new pair of shoes or whatever. But that stuff never brings me lasting joy. Not in the way making memories does. So I would much rather spend my money on trips, dinners with friends, or events, than clothing, shoes, or skincare products. (Although I do spend a fair amount of money on the latter, haha).

Making memories in Ibiza: I’ll probably never forget how we hiked 19 k in Birkenstock sandals…

Now it’s your turn to find your happiness. Start off by identifying what DOESN’T bring you joy and eliminate that. Then, focus on what does and do more of that. It doesn’t have to be complicated: if staying at home on a Friday night, reading a book instead of partying and drinking tea instead of alcohol brings you joy, than do that! It’s YOUR life, so the only person you need to please is yourself. It took me a while to figure that out.

As always, feel free to share what brings you joy in the comments down below. I would love to know!

Lots of Love,


Disclaimer: this post is not sponsored

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