Things You Should Know Before Starting CrossFit

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In May 2022, I started training in an actual CrossFit gym. I have been in sports all my life, ranging from team sports like handball, to horseback riding, running, and working out in a regular gym. After successfully ruining both my knees, I quit handball and started focusing on building muscle mass, i.e. weight training. For a few years, I used all kinds of machines at the gym. But eventually, that got boring. I then got into functional fitness classes and circuit trainings, which to this day I very much enjoy. It was also my gateway to doing full body exercises/movements, such as the clean & press. And it introduced me to CrossFit-like workouts, such as AMRAPs or doing a certain workout for time. The obvious next step for me, therefore, was to join a CrossFit gym. I was so excited to finally be able to learn all the things I admired the professional CrossFit athletes doing. And I am still super happy to go every single time. But there are also a few things you should know before starting CrossFit, and I wish I had, too!

Warning: this post was inspired by me ripping up one of my hands. If you’re a bit squeamish, skip to point #2!

1. Say goodbye to pretty hands

The #1 thing you should know before starting CrossFit is a brutal one. If you are an aspiring hand model, CrossFit most definitely isn’t the sport for you. I have never done a sport before that messes up your hands quite like CrossFit does. You’re going to get a lot of callus on your hands, but you might get that through regular weight training as well. And that is definitely not the worst part. It’s also not the dry skin from using chalk for any given occasion, or the broken nails. The worst things are the blisters and the completely ripped up hands. Get used to doing things with one hand. Or none at all. Good luck.

5 Things You Should Know Before Starting CrossFit: Injuries
Ended my hand modeling-career before it started

2. Bruises galore!

Maybe it’s just me, but I am constantly covered in bruises. Especially on my legs. There are the seemingly inevitable ones from doing cleans or snatches. And then there are the silly ones, from doing dumbbell thrusters, or lashing at yourself with your skipping rope. Those are also fun to explain…

3. There are even more ways to hurt yourself

Amazingly, ripping your hands on the bar or covering yourself in bruises aren’t the only ways to hurt yourself in CrossFit. There is one more very fun way to do so: chafing. For me, the best ways for it are just regular sit ups and rope climbs. And the best thing: you might not even notice you chafed something until you’re in the shower. If you know you know.

4. You’re going to fail

#4 of things you should know before starting CrossFit is that eventually, you’re going to fail something. I would say I was quite fit when I started doing CrossFit. But I soon had to admit to myself that there are a million things I am not able to do. Not even close to. And it’s not just the super advanced stuff, but things like Toes to Bar, or Double Unders. It can be so frustrating (and painful) to hit yourself with your skipping rope again and again, while everybody else around you is having a great time. The good thing: it’s a great opportunity to build your resilience.

5. It’s a mental challenge

Speaking of resilience, it is worth mentioning that some CrossFit workouts require more mental than physical strength. There will be workouts, that feel so hard you just want to give up. Or go a little slower, take a longer break, because nobody is watching anyways, right? But honestly, try to push through – you’ll feel amazing afterwards! Maybe not right after, but eventually…

Those are the 5 things you should know before starting CrossFit. All things I wasn’t really aware of before I did so. And even though it may sound like CrossFit’s just horrible – I enjoy it so much. I don’t mind having bruises all over, or callused hands. I love the challenge of a tough workout. It definitely helps me turning my weaknesses into strengths. And like I already said in this post, having fun while working out is of the highest importance.

If you’re into CrossFit, let me know how you got started, how you’re doing and what you wish you knew beforehand!

Lots of Love,


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