I want to start something like a new series on this blog. “Thoughts On Thurdays” is going to be exactly what it sounds like: my thoughts on a random topic. Published on Thursdays. It likely won’t be every single Thursday. I am not that interesting and probably don’t have enough thoughts to give. But I still want to make this a reoccurring thing. And you are all invited to join me and give your thoughts and opinions as well! This weeks blog is about challenging yourself – in which every way possible.
The Year Of Growth
A few months into this year, I realized that I wanted it to be my year of growth. This can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. I decided that I want to grow as a person this year. I have kind of already touched on this in my New Year’s resolutions, wanting to spend more time with friends and family, and less time putting pressure on myself. More time resting. And thus, taking care of myself and reflecting.
And by doing so, I decided that I also want to try more new things. You have probably heard the expression “don’t add years to your life, add life to your years”. This rings so true to me. I do my absolute best to live a healthy life, reading one book after the other to be the best version of myself. What I sometimes forget is to have a little fun in between. So I actually challenged myself to try more new, potentially fun things.
Challenging Yourself Actually Isn’t That Challenging
Trying new things can sound really daunting. I promise you – it isn’t. Trying new things doesn’t mean trying things you don’t like or find particularly interesting. Or doing really hard things. Maybe it is just a new recipe. At the start of this year, I made goulash for the first time (tasted fantastic!). That was something I didn’t think I could do. Or maybe it’s something you have always wanted to do, you just haven’t made the time for it. For me, it was going to a reformer pilates class. It’s something I wanted to do for quite a while, but there’s no reformer studio close to my house. Last week, I decided to not let that stop me any longer, and I drove to the next town to try it. And I absolutely love it! Great fun, amazing workout, really nice people there. It is so worth the 30 minute trip, and something I will be doing much more of!
What Have You Always Wanted To Try?
So now it’s your turn! What is something you have also wanted to do, but never got around to? It doesn’t have to be something “big” like going to a pilates class. Allow yourself some time to think about it. What challenge do you want to give yourself? You can only grow from it.
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