We are almost there you guys! Only a couple more weeks until winter is finally coming to an end and spring will have sprung. I do enjoy all of the seasons, but without fail, by the end of every single winter, I have had it. Same goes for summer by the way – at some point I just long to put on my cozy clothes & snuggle up again. But winter is definitely a lot harder! And it seems that this year especially, it has been a rather long & rainy one. Come back next year, when I will probably say the exact same thing again.
But anyways, let’s move swiftly on to todays topic: How to avoid the spring blues & and getting a head start to the new season. This is also a great time to check back in with your New Years resolutions, and make adjustments should you have fallen off track. (If you’ve missed mine, click here!)
#1: Have a Spring Clear-Out
Spring-cleaning can be something really cathartic in my humble opinion. So you could either have a massive deep clean of something you have been putting off for way too long (think fridge/freezer, dishwasher, washing machine…). Or you could give your closet a spring refresh! Sorting out clothes you no longer wear, and putting them into piles like “donate”, “sell”, or “throw out”. Not only does this help you see what you actually already have in your closet, but you might also turn a profit by selling rarely worn items.
A neat trick that I have implemented into my wardrobe this year is to flip all the hangers around at the beginning of the year. After I have worn the item on the hanger, I flip it back around the correct way. By doing so, by the end of this year, there will undeniable signs of which pieces were worn, and which have just been hanging there for a whole year. That should make it a lot easier to part with items!
#2: Swap Out Your A/W clothing for S/S ones
Going along with tip number 1, swap all your autumn/winter clothes for your spring/summer ones. Not only will you be able to see things much easier. But it also frees up a lot of space, meaning you can move things around much easier. The best way to swap your wardrobes around in my opinion is to get vacuum bags, as they protect your clothes and don’t take up a lot of room. Just be sure to store them in a dry, cool place, to avoid your clothes getting ruined.
#3: Spend More Time Outside
After spending however many months mostly indoors, it is about time we get outside and soak up on some vitamin D! Of course, we would all prefer a nice and sunny afternoon to get outside. But fortunately, controlling the weather isn’t something we’re capable of. And it doesn’t really matter anyway, does it? Just a few minutes outdoors can really lift your spirits. Plus, movement outside (or in general) is obviously very beneficial for your health – all the more reason to do it!
#4: Try Your Hand At Spring Gardening
Everybody knows spring is the time to start all your gardening projects. The fun thing is: You don’t actually need a garden to do it! A balcony or windowsill will work just as well. I started growing my own herbs and lettuces like spinach a couple of years ago – probably during the first Covid lockdown, now that I think of it. And I don’t have a garden either, I just have a lot of different pots on my balcony. Just think of something you use a lot in your cooking and start with growing that. For me, herbs work the best. I always find myself needing 2 or 3 sage leaves – but at the store I have a buy a whole bag. Not very sustainable!
If you’re completely new to gardening, also check out my easy gardening hacks for beginners. Believe me when I say: It’s really not that hard. And the joy I felt when I saw my first seedlings come to life – so addictive!
#5 Try Something New This Spring
I recently came across a blog whose owner was doing 52 new things in as many weeks in a year. And while that seems a little too ambitious for yours truly, it is a great inspiration! Since everything seems to be starting fresh in spring, why not have yourself a fresh start and try something new? That might be the gardening I just mentioned. But it could also be something super simple like a new recipe, or restaurant, or fitness class. Just something new to break out of the rut we can sometimes be in. You never know what you’ll discover!
#6: Establish A New Healthy Habit
Since you’re already trying something new this spring, why not make it something that’s adding to your health? It could be getting outside or walking more, as suggested earlier. It could also be improving your sleep rhythm, eating more vegetables or spending less time in front of a screen. Forming new habits doesn’t always have to be hard, it’s quite easy actually if you’re going at it the right way. Meaning: Pick something that’s actually beneficial to you, start small, be consistent, and don’t beat yourself up over it if you don’t stick to it right away. The secret is to never stop trying – it will stick eventually!
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